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Rules : Trauma Team

These rules are based on the Trauma Team rules from Cyberpunk 2013 with some additions.

Wound Levels

Each body part (head, torso, arms and legs) can have the following wound level:

None - Flesh - Serious - Critical - Mortal - Dead

Taking damage

When a character is hit, compare penetrating damage with Body Type on the damage table. The result is the wound level caused by the attack. If the character has a more severe wound in the body part hit, his wound state is bumped up one level. Flesh wounds do not bump up the wound level.

If damage does not penetrate, the character still suffers a flesh wounds. Hard armor negates this, but the character must still make a stun save.

Damage    VW    WK    ST    VS    SH
09-10 MW CW CW SW FW
10-11 MW MW CW CW SW
12-13 DD MW MW CW SW
14-15 DD DD MW MW CW
16-17 DD DD DD MW CW
18-19 DD DD DD DD MW
20-21 DD DD DD DD MW

Stun Saves

A character must sometimes make a stun save. Roll versus

Body Type + Resist Torture / Drugs

A pain editor gives a +10 bonus to this roll, but is not cumulative with Resis Torture / Drugs skill.

A failed stun save means the character loeses one action. She must spend a full action recovering from stun. She cannot perform any action when recovering from stun.

State   Stun   Penalty
Flesh Wound 15 -1
Serious Wound 20 -2
Critical Wound 25 -4
Mortal Wound 30 -8

Wound Penalties

When wounded, a character suffers a wound penalty for the worst wound level.

A character can attempt to "take the pain" as an action. A successful Resist Torture/Drugs roll halves the wound penalty (-1 becomes no penalty). This last until the next failed Stun roll. An active Pain Editor automatically halves this penalty.

Effects of Wounds

Flesh wounds

Contusions, cuts and tissue damage. Tissue trauma is moderate, wounds (if the bleed) are messy but not incapactitating.

Serious Wounds

Massive tissue trauma, bloodloss, internal organ damage. A serious wound left untreated for more than 20 minutes becomes a critical wound.

Critical wounds

A head wound means automatic knockout. A critically wounded limb is useless. Arms can not be used to hold weapons or attack. Legs hits halve Move and character cannot run. Both legs at this level means character can crawl at quarter Move.

There is a chance (1-2 or a d6) that limbs or head is permanently damaged (as for mortal wound).

A critical wound left untreated for more than 2 minutes becomes a mortal wound.

Mortal Wounds

Blood loss or critical organ damage means character is dying.

Limbs must be amputated or replaced. Head hits mean coma (1d6 days). Surgery required to regain lost functions (lost of vision or possibly brain damage, etc).

Dying: Make Body roll (15) at the end of each round to avoid snuffing it. No skill applies to this roll. If you have a pain editor, you are still dying, but it doesn't hurt. A failed roll means you snuff it.

If a charcater is mortally wounded, stabilizing the wound to prevent further blood loss is top priority. This requires a MedTech or First Aid skill roll, difficulty 20. A first aid kit gives a bonus of +2, a proper medical kit gives a bomus of +3 but requires MedTech skill.

Once the First Aid roll succeeds the character is stabilizied and does not have to make a death save.


The character dies instantly. Only head and torso wounds are instantly fatal. Limb hits become mortal wounds instead.

First Aid

First Aid or MedTech can be used to treat wounds and restore some function to damaged limbs. This requires a First Aid or MedTech roll versus the Stun Save difficulty for the wound level of the damaged body part.

On a successful roll, the wound is treated as one level lower. This means that wound penalty is halved. A critically wounded limb can regain function, unless it was permanently damaged.


Instead of rolling to recover, characters wound levels are recovered over time. "Healing" a wound means wound level for body part is reduced one level. Individual body parts heal simultaneously.

This system factores in body type, environment and other factors and gives a base time for recovering wounds. Multiply the base time by factor for the severity of the wound.

Condition   Val   Note
Base time 5 For flesh wounds
Nano healing kit -1 Bonus for each if several present.
Intensive care -1 Hospital only
Med techie -1 Attended by platoon medic, etc.
Unsanitary +1 Combat zone
Very unsanitary +2 Jungle
No rest +1 Marching instead of still and resting.
Very Weak body +2
Weak body +1  
Strong Body -1  
Very Strong Body -2  
Superhuman Body -3  
Flesh Wound x1
Serious wound x2
Critical Wound x3
Mortal Wound x4

In an unsanitary environment, wounds may become infected (Luck roll). Infected wounds will not begin to heal unless treated by a MedTechie, and may become worse at the GM's discretion.

Effects of Cyberware

Anti-Plague Nanotech: Negate (or reduce) the penalty for unsanitary conditions.

[update] [version]
Webmaster Urban Blom.