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Chromebook : Custom Tech

This is collection of customized tech items from the Xyberpunk campaign.

GWI Diva Cyberlegs

During a stint as Senator Whites bodygueard on Mars, Vita lost her legs in a firefight. As a dancer, she had always been very proud of her legs, and decided that only the best would do. These legs were made to order by GWI, and Vita has since become knows as the girl with the million dollar legs.

The legs, pelivs and lower spine are replaced by bones made of orbital titanium alloys and powered by polymimetic myomer fibres with limited regenerative abilities. An advanced movement system similar to allows her to move gracefully even in high heels. A covering of cloned fleshweave preserves the appearance of her original legs.

Game effects: Movement Allowance +10, SDP 90/100, SP 25. Unarmed damage as ordinary myomer limbs. Limbs regenerate 1 SDP per hour unless crippled. The fleshwave means that penetrating hits will cause visible but neglible blood loss.

Cost: $1M each including development costs. HL: 4d6.

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Webmaster Urban Blom.