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Chromebook : Robots

CyberDyne "Nexus" Robot Brain

The CyberDyne Nexus neural net computer is designed to control ordinary cyborg bodies. Poular models include the Nexus/Alpha and Nexus/Gemini models, based on the most common cyborg bodies.

Robot Int ranges from 4-10. Cost of brain is Eb 1.000*Int*Int. Installation and adaption to cyborg body cost a further 5.000 Eb. Ordnary skillchips can be used for programming, and higher skills are available at GM discretion.

Such robots can fullfill a number of roles, such as worker, housemaid, secretary or sextoy. These robots come with a basic personality as requested by the buyer, such as "loyal worker" or "sexy secretary". Customized personalities can be ordered.

Sample Robots

Intelligent robots become avaiable in 2025 in the Xyberpunk timeline.

Worker bot

This is an alternative to human industrial labor.

Nexus/Samson: Int 4
Skills: Basic Tech +3, Strength Feat +3
Personality: Loyal Worker
Cost: 61,000


Every degenerate corporate should have one!

Nexus/Gemini: Int 5
Skills: Expert (Corporate Procedure), Social, Seduction at +3
Personality: Sexy Secretary
Cost: 85,000


A combat bot programmed for a wide varitey of mission profiles.

Nexus/Classified: Int 10
Skills: Tactics, Awareness, Shadow/Track, Heavy Weapons, Rifle, Handgun, Submachinegun, Brawling, Expert (Specific Target) all at +5.
Personality: Classified
Cost: Classified

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Webmaster Urban Blom.