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World : Corporations

The corporations are not evil. They are simply profit oriented. They do need edgerunners to do their dirty work, hence they try to keep an honorable street rep and don't automatically betray their hired runners (also known as the Shadowrun Syndrome). Admittedly, they do occasionally betray a Edge team, but on those occasions there are no witnesses and no survivors, and it is only done if there is a considerable profit in it.

Corporations are, however, very vindictive because it is good business to show that messing with the corp is unhealthy. Arasaka and Militech are the prime examples, but they are by no means alone.

New Corporations

Mayer Biotechnical Gmbh

This EuroCorp is Biotechnica's main competitor. Mayer specializes in genesplicing, cloning and artificial wombs.

Mayer is based in Berlin and owns most of the Svalbard archipelago. Their most famous products are the "Dog Soldiers", a Furry-type bioconstruct based on the German shepherd. This has created a demand amongst the ultra wealthy for cute furries as pets and sextoys, causing a huge cashflow into the accounts of Mayer.

CEO, main shareholder and chief scientist is professor Friedrich Ottoman.

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Webmaster Urban Blom.