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World : Nations : Brazil

Brazil is one of the wealthiest nations of South America. Its vast natural resources in combination with a well developed manufacturing industry secures it's place as a economic superpower.

To further enhance the national finances the worlds biotech-corporations all pay large sums to the Brazilian govenment to be allowed access to the Amazon rainforests and it's enormous genetic diversity. On a more specific note, brazilian fashion-designers are amongst the foremost in the world and it is always right to be seen in a swimsuit by Margihela of Brazilia or a business suit by Castaneda of Rio.

Still, all is not hunky-dory. The slums surrounding all major conurbations persist in existing, despite various attempts of relocation, relief-funds, eviction and the ever present Death Squads to get rid of them. The countryside is either in the hands of Agri-Corps or individual landowners wich is still causing unrest among the peasantry, but all the above is not nearly as large a problem as it was back in ancient days (say about around 1970 or so). Today, Brazil is a pretty good place to visit or even live in.

Places of interest

Mato Grosso Criminal Correction Facility

This huge walled-in area houses tens of thousands of criminals from all over the world who repay their debt to society for the rest of their lives by mining bauxite and silicates in order to supply the ever-hungry industries across the world with the necessary raw materials.

Rio de Janeiro

Don't miss the carnival!

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Webmaster Urban Blom.