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Neo Nationalism

A reaction following the internationalization of the world as corporations grew stronger and national governments grew weaker. At best this ideology protects the common man against the corporations. At worst they advocate genocide, ethnic cleansings and worse.


This revised form of Communism arose in the post-Stalin Union of Soviet Republics. Originally developed by premier Nikita Crustchev, this allows for a certain amount of private enterprise. In practice, this means that each farmer (or Colshos or Sovchos) has a government appointed quota to produce and send to the state silos. Any excess may be freely sold or exported as the producers see fit.

This has encouraged the people to produce more because they know that they benefit from it. Furthermore, this policy extends to the Bureaus (the Soviet version of a corporation) who also have set quotas and are allowed to sell any excess on the world market.

The State, and theoretically the people, still controls the natural resources and the allocation of these. This ensures that they still are in firm control of the means of production, thus preventing any unwanted capitalism from arising. Crustchevism has proven to be a most fertile economic policy and has allowed the communist states to recover from their earlier disastrous financial plight.

Nations operating under Crustchevism are:

Whether Congo or the Central African Republic will adopt this model is uncertain but probable.

Famous Bureaus include:

  • SovOil
  • Stolbovoy
  • Soviet Rocket Corps
  • SovGrain


Omnism is small movement opposing the Nihilistic cults. These people are of the opinion everything is absolutely fabulous! A rather friendly bunch, if slightly tiresome in their single minded optimism.

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Webmaster Urban Blom.