Referendum in North Rhodesia, South Rhodesia and South Africa.
Greater Rhodesia is formed
when these nations are joined.
Under the leadership of Soviet premier Ivan Popov, the five year
plans are successful for the next twenty years. Having no need for the
outside world, the Soviet Union closes her borders.
The Baltic states and Ukraine are expelled from the Soviet Union as
the communist bloc falls apart. The former socialist states embrace
capitalism with varied results. The Soviet Union is now the only
European Socialist state.
Cybercatholicism appears as organized religion in France.
Year of the Great Breakup. The
United states fragment into The First Sex
Confederacy (controlled by militant feminists), God's Country (led by
the Surgeon General) and Texas.
The Federal government controls what remains
of the United States.
Crustchevist guerilla (which espouse a limited form of
private enterprise) take control of Equador, Colombia and Peru,
forcing drug cartels to relocate to Venzuela and Brazil. A new
ideal socialist society is formed. It is named named the Inca
Republic after the
public welfare system of the Incas.
The Surgeon General and the Neo-Calvinist Initiative declare disease
a crime.
The first Cyberpope, Jean I is inaugurated and leads the
faithful into the new millenium.
Quebec secedes from Canada, forming the first officially
Cybercatholic nation.
Cybercatholicism is the official religion in France.
First Sex Republic reformed as The Confederate States of America.
Much of the government and military special forces are still dominated
by women.
First combat zones declared in the United States.
Unlike the regular timeline, the Orbital War does not take place.
The Orbital Soviet, consisting of all the Russian space colonies,
is incorporated as a state in the Soviet Union.
A rumor spreads in New York that a little girl with psionic powers is
on the loose.Further rumors claim she either gets away or is killed by
some Spook of any given nationality.For some reason Intelligence
Agencies across the world makes a loud point of denying this rumor, making
it very clear that no such thing as psionic powers exist.
Cyberpope Jean I is assassinated. His successor is
Cyberpope Martin I.
Mexico starts expansionist wars, annexing Guatemala, Belize, Honduras
and El Salvador.
Belize regains its independence. Mexico is now the major economic
power in America.
Much of the United States Cabinet and Senate, including the president
are assassinated by terrorists. While many organizations claim the
responsibility, the true perpetrators are unknown.
Several major corporations assume control, forming the Incorporated
States of America. Nuclear arsenal is claimed to be under corporate
control, while the armed forces are assimilated by Militech and the
Lazarus Group.
The ISA creates a working infrastructure and actually improves the
standards of living for millions of people when the ruling corporations sell them
System Identification Numbers in order to buy their votes for the various policy-
elections in return for food and housing, and after the military actions against
all major gangs and street-level crime syndicates called The Cleansings most
streets are
comparatively safe with the Combat Zones being the exceptions. These areas were
not deemed profitable to reclaim.
Famous Rockerboy Jack Entropy dies after completing his EoruTour.
Communist coup in Congo and Communist insurrections in Central African Republic
cause widespread unrest and declining investments all over African continent.
On Christmas Eve, a series nuclear devices detonates in the San Andreas fault,
causing California to go Venice and hitting the ruling Corporations right
in the wallet. As it turns out this is all the doing of
General Willis McKnight of the USAF who, holed up in the subterranean
NORAD HQ next to Denver, has had complete control of
the US Nuclear arsenal. Activating codewords implanted during MK-Ultra
a massive revolt immediately ensues as the former US army forces now absorbed by
the corporate armies revert to their
old allegiance.
General McKnight then proceeds to form the
Provisional Military Government of USA and promised that "elections will be held
The massive tectonic upheaval in California cause secondary quakes all across the
Pacific (with Japan hit especially bad) and in Mexico and God's Country as well.
This prompts Japan to start bringing home much of their assets in foreign parts
of the world causing world stock markets to reel.
Mexico invades New Mexico and Arizona with the intent "to lend
Humanitarian Aid and protect the large number of Hispanics living in
these areas.."
Texas makes official complaints.
Soviet "Stealth Battleship Rodina" is launched on its Maiden Cruise causing
among the militaries of the world.
The Provisional government of USA hold free elections on the 4th of July.
All entitled voters must vote or be subject to large fines as per the Australian
model. Robert Clarke is elected President,a New Federalist who believes strongly
a powerful federal government.Strongly represented in the Senate however are both
the Old Dinosaurs (Republicans and Democrats) as well as Constitutionalists and
the One World Party.