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World : Nations : Turkey

Turkey is a nation only slowly recovering from the disastrous effects of the Mid East Meltdown. Although not involved in the filthy nuclear holocaust that reduced most of the Levantine and the Midde East to a radioactive wasteland, Turkey lost all its income from the formerly lucrative tourist industry virtually overnight. As if this was not enough the cancer cases soared, overloading the Turkish medical system in a time when no money was coming in. The countryside turned to illegal growing of hashish and opium to make ends meet while the Turkish government, under pressure from the European Community, spent precious Eurodollars combatting its own destitute people.

Enter Turkeys longtime ally Germany.

Mayer Biotechnisches Korporation Gmbh stepped in, providing cancer treatment for free and billions of Deutschmarks from the German government pulled the harrowed nation on its feet. Most of these billions went into the creation of JannisarCo, also known as the Militech of Europe or the Turkish Foreign Legion. Armed with first-class weapons from Sternmeyer and tens of thousands of soldiers with a solid training, JannisarCo soon made a name for itself providing military force and security personell of no mean order at a price not nearly as high as the more elite Lazarus, Militech or Arasaka could provide.

While still in a weak position economically, Turkey is on the rise thanks to the kindness of their friend Germany. This is a friendship Turkey will do anything to keep.

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Webmaster Urban Blom.