This is an extract from the Thomason Files, a collection of edgerunner
profiles compiled by Major Felix Thomason.
Justine "Vita" de la Croix
Vita is a former dancer from Quebec. She is
one of the top female gladiators in New York, and
occasionally freelances as a Solo.
Former Arasaka operative down on her luck.
The Mexican from Hell.
Rhodesian sniper.
Patrick "Weasel" Dallas has crawled up from the
gutter and is set on becoming king of the New York criminal underworld.
Ex-prostitute, ex-stripper turned Solo.
Senator Dan White
This former nomad bountyhunter was instrumental in restoring the US Marshal
service after the collapse of the Incorporated States of America in 2025.
Backed by the Mormons in Utah, he now has a seat in the US Senate.
Robert "Skinner" Nash
This ruthless fixer from New Orlean lost his business after he was
arrested for organizing Corporate Deathmatch, underground pitfights
featuring kidnapped low-level corporates. He escaped from prison and now
operates in the Carribean.
Samuel Alston
Sam is a former edgerunner and loyal Araska operative.
Louise de la Croix
Louise is Vita's twin sister. She is a successful corporate from Quebec, and
works for Trigon Systems, a cybernetics manufaturer.
Jim-Bob Miller
Pure militant swampfolk inbreed from Miller's Bayou, Alabama.
John Ominor
American sniper. No information currently available.